Online Voting System using Blockchain

Shivani Kolanu
Computer Science and Engineering

Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women 

(Affiliated to JNTUH)

 Hyderabad, India

Abstract The problem with the present EVMs is election fraud, election manipulation and vote rigging. To avoid these kind of illegal interference of present election system, this online voting helps people to elect their desired leader. Government is spending lots of revenue on the EVMs and whole election process which is killing time of the voters in the queues when they have come to cast their vote. According to the census more than  9,000 crores spent by the government of India towards Lok Sabha elections to buy EVMs and VVPAT units. Instead of spending on this EVMs process, government can use Online voting system and can spend that previous voting process revenue on the development of rural areas. This raises the income of the rural India. This project will be an initiative and successful step towards the development of Technology in rural India. In EVMs, results is a time taking process where all the poll officers should be available before and after the government seal. Whereas in our Online Voting, results will be known within 3-4 hours.
Index Terms Election fraud, vote rigging, VVPAT units, Technology, poll officers, development, Face Recognition, Block Chain.


Elections are believed to be the key pillars of democracy and voting is one of the electoral processes that ensure the sustenance of democracy in any civil society. Online voting is an electronic way of choosing leaders via a web driven application. It  provides a platform for simplifying the electoral process for all institutions that employ voting in decision-making. It is geared towards increasing the voting percentage in Universities and colleges . Since it has been noted that with the old voting method, the voter turnout has been a wanting case. In 2013, It was estimated that about 69 percent of students stayed away from registering to vote.

The project Online Voting system is designed to cast the vote and also to count the number of votes and thereby calculate the percentage of votes. Also the number of vote a candidate obtains is also obtained. Along with the number the percentage of votes for each candidate is calculated. The system is so designed that it can also check for duplication since we use block chain to store the vote that the person had casted. It then decides the winner in every section. The project is designed with a modular approach and the number of modules is decided as per the requirements of the organization. The two modules are administrator module and the user module. The administrator has total authority of the organization and maintains all the aspects. The user has the provision to view the list of all candidates according to the constituency they are in and results as well as vote for the desired candidates. And in this project it consists of face recognition as a security to know whether the person is casting the vote is alive there or not. In this project it stores the vote in the blocks of a block chain. The Software will be under the technical team of the Election Commissioner of the Country.


Existing System consist of methods like paper ballet voting and EVM voting. In EVM’s there is no transparency, verifiability, accuracy and anonymity. The problem with the present EVMs is election fraud, election manipulation and vote rigging. Government is spending lots of revenue on the EVMs and whole election process which is killing time of the voters in the queues when they have come to cast their vote.

According to the census more than  9,000 crores spent by the government of India towards Lok Sabha elections to buy EVMs and VVPAT units.

This Electronic voting is a time taking process, since the results will be know after a long duration. For the results verification, this process will be requiring Poll Officers before and after the seal.

Voters should be standing in queues for longer time to wait for their turn. This kind of waiting at polling booth’s is killing the time of the voters. Some voters face a problem of not knowing their polling centers and due to which they will not utilize their vote.


Online Voting System using Blockchain, provides user friendly interface for the people of India. According to the previous elections, it was been recorded that the percentage of voting in rural areas is always greater than percentage of voting in urban areas. There might be many problems like, votes getting missed, migration to their hometowns to cast their vote etc. Online voting enables voters to cast their vote privately and easily from any location and on any device with internet access. This enables election officials to assure that their votes remain cast-as-intended , recorded-as-cast and counted-as-recorded. This project provides lot of Anonymity, Accuracy, Verifiability and Transparency. In EVMs, results is a time taking process where all the poll officers should be available before and after the government seal. Whereas in Online Voting, results will be known within a very less time. That is there’s lots of accuracy in this process. This system ensure tamper proof and also ensure that electoral frauds do not happen in the process.


Face recognition is a biometric software application capable of uniquely identifying or verifying a person by comparing and analyzing patterns based on the person's facial contours. Face recognition is mostly used for security purposes, though there is increasing interest in other areas of use. In fact, face recognition technology has received significant attention as it has potential for a wide range of application related to law enforcement as well as other enterprises.

In order to provide security and to know whether that particular voter is casting his/her vote, we introduced Face Recognition. If the Face Recognition is successful, then it allows to the next step. If not, the session gets exit.
The following is the screenshot of Face Recognition from the proposed system.
The name get displayed based on the name in aadhaar of India. The software gets trained from the database and then identifies the person.


Through Blockchain the election system can be made more transparent, convenient and difficult to tamper into. The system will also ensure the identity and eligibility of the voter.
To simplify it, blockchain is a chain of digital blocks that contain the records if the information or transactions sent across. According to IBM’s Blockchain blog, any hacker would need to change the block containing the record, along with the ones connected to it to avoid detection, making the blockchain difficult to tamper with.
For decades ballot box was the only voting mechanism in India. Later, electronic voting machines (EVMs) came into play amid increasing reports of booth capturing. However, the EVMs have been often accused of being tampered with as well. Keeping this in mind, enabling blockchain technology can prove to be beneficial to end these claims once and for all. Blockchain deployment in voting is gaining traction as various countries around the world have been experimenting with the technology, primarily aiming to bring more transparency and expand voter participation.
The following is the screenshot of Blockchain from the proposed system. 

As the block gets sealed, any person trying to hack or tamper should open the seal which gives the hacker a value which is not actually in the block. If the hacker tries to enter any new value, then the block gets re-sealed which means the Election commission gets to know that, block got tampered. In this way, we can reduce tampering or any kind of electoral frauds.


A.            Review Stage

       Anonymity: Voter must always be anonymous in the voting process. The system must aim at achieving the political privacy.
    Accuracy: Accuracy is maintained for every vote and every vote must be counted, and can’t be duplicated, removed.
   Verifiability: The system should verify that all votes are counted properly. Our solution support flexibility, efficiency and mobility along with the main requirements.
   Transparency: The system must maintain transparency such that every citizen must know what is happening, how the vote is considered and counted.

B.            Final Stage

The expected outcomes from this project are non-biased election, flexibility, effectiveness, accuracy, transparency and anonymity, saves lots of revenue. This government revenue can be used on rural areas to develop their livelihood which helps rural India to increase its economy.

C.          Figure

The bar graph explains about the turnout in rural, semi-urban and in urban areas of India. It clearly explains about the variation of turnout in casting the votes between 2012 and 2017. The weight of the individuals casing their vote has been decreasing from 2012 to 2017.And it clearly explain that this change can be clearly seen in the urban areas.

When we consider the rural part of India the percentage of turnout in the year 2012 is 71.8 and in the year 2017 is 70.6 , but when it comes to semi-urban part it is 71.8 in 2012 and in 67.1.Apart from these two in the urban area it’s been 71.1 but it decreased to 65 in the year of 2017.
This graph shows the polling stations in Haryana. Here Urban  and Rural polling stations are separately shown. As we can see that the number of polling stations in Urban  are more than 5000. Now if we see in Rural there are more stations compared to Urban. In rural we have nearly 13931 polling stations. The total polling stations are 19441. Almost crores of amount is spent during Elections. According to the census more than  9,000 crores spent by the government of India towards Lok Sabha elections to buy EVMs and VVPAT units. Instead of spending on this EVMs process, government can use Online voting system and can spend that previous voting process revenue on the development of rural areas. This raises the income of the rural India. This project will be an initiative and successful step towards the development of Technology in rural India.


VII.     Ease of Use

A.    Adaptability of the System

The expected outcomes from this project are non-biased election, flexibility, effectiveness, accuracy, transparency and anonymity, saves lots of revenue. This government revenue can be used on rural areas to develop their livelihood which helps rural India to increase its economy.

B.    Study Areas

The study area is the polling centers in both rural and urban areas. Polling centers are the places where the fraud may happen. So, the location we consider under study is the polling booths of all the places in India.

VIII.    Abbreviations & Acronyms

EC : Election Commission.
EVM : Electronic Voting Machine.
VVPAT : voter-verified paper audit trail.
OTP : One Time Password
PS : Polling Station
PC : Parliamentary Constituency
AC : Assembly Constituency
BLO : Booth Level Officer
CEO :Chief Electoral Officer
DEO : District Election Officer
ECI : Election commission of India
EEMS : Election Expenditure Management System


The  proposed Online Voting System using Blockchain is  based on the Blockchain technology. Online voting enables voters to cast their vote privately and easily from any location and on any device with internet access. This approach increases the voting percentage overall and gives a more accurate, transparent and fair election system. This enables election officials to assure that their votes remain cast-as-intended , recorded-as-cast and counted-as-recorded. This proposed system ensure tamper proof and also ensure that electoral frauds do not happen in the process. There would be no conflict in the process for calculating and declaring result.


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